Tis the season for colds, viruses, and whatever else comes through that door! I’m not excited about my kids getting sick, especially now that I have two in school and an infant at home. For a few weeks now my little guy can’t shake the after effects from the girls having bronchitis. He’s miserable, they are miserable, and my husband and I are in full survival mode with limited sleep. It’s not fun.
Our only saving grace at the end of the day is being prepared for anything the night may bring, and keeping our kids comfortable so they can get a good night and fight off their illnesses. We have a basket loaded with all the essentials- thermometer, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, mucus relief, saline drops, and anything else their doctor prescribes. We have two humidifiers set up- one in each of their rooms to aid in their breathing at night- when congestion seems to get worse.
Our doctor recommends a cool mist humidifier and suggests it is well cleaned everyday before each use. I agree- because humidifiers can mold very quickly. A filter-free humidifier is my favorite because they are low maintenance and easy to clean. The new Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier is a great one to have on hand. Believe me when I say I have tried a lot of humidifiers. I have also sadly tossed a lot of humidifiers due to the dreaded mold issue, and not being able to thoroughly clean every crevice in those machines. The Vicks Sweet Dreams Humidifier is easy to clean and dry, and super quiet. The girls love that it features changing scenes that project onto the ceiling at night just like their Starry Night Humidifier. My little guy watches the sea theme as he drifts off into sleepy world. Other scenes include safari and stars.
I’ve visited the doctor at least once a week with the kids since October, and he asks the same questions- how high and when was their last fever, and what medications have you given. The information should come quick and easy in mind, but due to the lack of sleep it doesn’t. Thankfully there’s an app for that! The Vicks Smart Temp Wireless Digital Thermometer not only tracks each family member’s temperature, but also allows for extra information- like medications given. The thermometer can be used rectally, orally, or under the arm and the one-piece design makes it easy to clean. I love a thermometer with options, and this one keeps me ahead of the game with the easy to use app.
While it’s not super cold now, it will be soon. My girls have the coldest room in the house and we need to keep a safe area heater around for those colder nights. I was never a fan of space heaters- they scare me with little kids around. The Honeywell 360 Digital Surround Heater puts my mind at ease because it will automatically shut off when tipped. It has two heat settings, full range of heating, and a programmable thermostat to keep everyone comfortable. It even has a remote, so you can adjust it without getting up! The space-saving design is perfect for our needs. You can purchase yours at Staples and other retailers!