It seems that everywhere you go you hear about this dreaded flu that is going around. I know many people in my immediate social circles that have come down with some sort of flu, or flu like symptoms. Since I have an infant, I think twice about the places we go, as I'm trying to keep her as healthy as possible. We wash hands frequently, and I don't let others hold her unless they have also washed their hands. Obsessive? Maybe.. But when my ...
It’s RSV Season. Keep Your Baby Safe #protectpreemies #rsv
It's that time of year again. The time of year where we bundle up before heading out and sanitize our hands after every encounter with people that seem to be sniffling or coughing. It is also the time of year where RSV becomes a real threat to children under two. RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus and can be fatal in babies, especially those who are premature. Premature babies, those who are born before 37 weeks of gestation, may not ...