Last week I mentioned how my family runs a Toys for Tots drive every year. I think it’s such a rewarding and wonderful experience to have my own children participate in this event first hand, so they can learn the importance of giving back to those in need. I also think it’s a great eye opener to teach them about being thankful for all they have.
When a box arrived with two toys they often see on TV, their first reaction was “which one of us is this for?” Before I even told them who the toys were for I reminded them about the previous years that we participated in Toys for Tots, and asked them how they would feel if they didn’t receive a present for Christmas. While I know that Christmas is so much more than just presents, a new toy is just one way to brighten a child’s day, and I explained that to them as well. My 7 year old started thinking of all the things we can do to help out a child, and my 4 year old eagerly stated she would clear out her old toys and give it to someone in need. Then, we all had to address the new toys in the box and asked them if they really need these toys of if they would like to add it to our toy drive.
In the few seconds before they answered, I was anxious. Did they really understand? Would they part with a toy they’ve seen on TV and have been asking for? My girls shocked me. They both said they would love to donate these new toys. Now, let me tell you more about the toys we received for review, but decided to keep them sealed so we can add them to the donation box. (Be sure to follow us on Instagram atimeout4mommy so you can see our event next week and the girls adding these special toys to the box!)
I can’t even type FlipaZoo without singing the jingle in my head- Flip, Flip a zooooo.. it’s a stuffed animal that is great for day care, nap time, travel, and more. There is a variety of characters to choose from and each design flips from one animal to another. What a fun way to snuggle with your favorite stuffed animal!
Charm U is for older kids who love to accessorize. Each set comes with a bracelet and 8 charms to add on to it. There are over 70 charms in the entire collection, so this is a hot item that girls will love this season. You can find them at Toys R Us, and I think they would make an awesome stocking stuffer that is fun and inexpensive. Pick up an extra set to toss in a toy drive this season!
These are just two items we will be adding to the donation box, but stay tuned to find out about more hot items this season!