This post was sponsored by Aralyte. All opinions and experiences are my own and may differ from yours. Be sure to speak to your doctor before starting a new regimen.
With so much attention and knowledge about food allergies, it’s easy to become so wrapped up in fear for your kids that you are afraid to try new things. As a person with food allergies myself, I spent years in fear that something I eat may trigger a reaction. Although I’ve been able to receive treatment and manage my allergies, there isn’t always a solution for many people aside from avoidance. With my own children, I knew there was a chance they could be allergic to the same things I was allergic to, but the chances were slim. Still, things like peanuts scared me even though I can safely eat peanuts. Why did a peanut allergy scare me so much? Previously I was a food sciences teacher and the fear that my student’s parents would come in with concerned me. Not knowing if their child would be safe due to an airborne reaction, or cross contamination. And the biggest culprit was always peanuts.
As I learned more about allergies, I read that studies showed an early exposure to many common allergens may prevent a child from developing allergies by as much as 98%. Personally I was afraid to try peanut butter with my kids until they were 2 years old, and I made sure to give them a lick of peanut butter right before a doctor’s appointment so that if they did have an allergy we were already in the office. Crazy, I know, but it made me feel safer.
As food allergies become more prevalent, you can speak to your pediatrician about introducing Aralyte to your child’s routine. Aralyte is a safe and structured method to early peanut introduction. It is a liquid formation and safe for allergic homes. Aralyte is already used in over 200 clinics. I received an Aralyte kit to bring with me to my pediatrician so I can ask him at my son’s next appointment. My son has already been diagnosed with a wheat, dairy, and egg allergy, so we are taking precautionary steps with many foods to ensure he doesn’t have an allergic reaction.
You can find out more and see if Aralyte is right for your family by visiting them on the web. Be sure to use coupon code Aralyte x Time Out for 15% off.