Having the kids home this summer gives you a lot to think about – you know, when you actually have a free moment to think! It’s always bittersweet at the end of the summer when you are counting down your days of summer bliss and no schedules and know that soon you will be in full force mom mode. Chauffeuring the kids to where they have to go, setting up a schedule, and planning every weekend so as not to conflict with your routine. I love the summers because it means my daughter and my husband are off from school/work and we have 8 weeks dedicated to our own little family.
This summer, Peet’s Coffee is running their first social sampling experiment with their campaign. Each week they will ask a different question on their site and you determine whether or not you #giveacup. This week they are voting on hot dog eating contests. Personally, I don’t give a cup – but what I do give a cup about is having my family home and dedicating each day to making new memories with my kids.
So, my question to YOU is what do you give a cup about? You can vote at . Peet’s Coffee now comes in single cups and what better way to celebrate than to bring all coffee drinkers together in this awesome social sampling campaign. The topics they choose are fun and lighthearted, such as the above mentioned hot dog contest, or others such as Do You Give a Cup about Kale, or dark chocolate. Either way, you have an opinion and this is a fun way of sharing it!
I’m looking forward to these new single cups.
This sounds like a fun contest. I have always enjoyed Peets coffee.
I have never tried Peet’s but I sure do love coffee.
Sounds like a fun contest. Will definitely have to check out these new “cups”