I can’t believe it’s been a decade since I overcame a horrible digestive illness. Some may have called it IBS, but it was an overall digestive issues that included my stomach, as well as my intestines. It lasted for about 3 years, and I was sick every.single.day. I had seen many specialists who ran a bunch of tests and couldn’t find anything wrong with me. My symptoms: extreme nausea after eating ANYTHING. Most foods were hard to keep down, while others couldn’t wait to come out. I had extreme abdominal pain after meals, which got so bad, I was afraid of food. I stuck with the basics – starches, pastas, potatoes, rice, fruits and veggies. My belly issues kept me from enjoying social events, going out to lunch with friends, ordering in family meals, and made me feel so secluded from those around me. It wasn’t until the last doctor I saw told me that I should see a psychologist because the issue was most likely in my head and not in my digestive tract. I was furious, to say the least. I felt that each doctor would pass the buck to the next, and since they were seemingly inexperienced, they gave up on me. On my 5’6″ frame, I was down to 100 pounds and sickly.
My mother happend to be speaking with a coworker of hers, who explained that she had the same issues and was able to “cure” herself. All it took was a few diet improvements and a regular dose of live bacteria. We did a little research and figured it couldn’t hurt to try. I’m not a medical doctor and cannot give medical advice, but from my own experience, I feel that probiotics helped me overcome my intestinal issues. We all have bacteria in our gut which helps aid in overall health and digestion. When we take antibiotics for illnesses, it also wipes out our healthy bacteria and our digestive tract suffers. Other factors which may include diet or stress can also kill the good bacteria in our gut. This is where probiotics come it. In my specific case, probiotics helped me achieve optimal health, and got me on track to where I could eat just about anything and not have the symptoms I was experiencing before.
I’ve come a long way since then. Within a few weeks of including probiotics in my diet, I started to feel a difference. The real difference was noted in my weight gain – since I was able to eat without ill side effects. To this day, I always take my probiotics and even give them to both my daughters.
I’ve come to learn that not all probiotics are created equal. In order to receive the maximum benefit from probiotics, they have to make it all the way to your gut. Most are killed in your stomach acids, never reaching your intestines, and therefore not benefiting you in any way. Provella is a probiotic which is designed for women to help promote and maintain overall health. Since Provella is control released, more enzymes make it to your intestinal tract. You can find Provella at your local pharmacy and at .
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Emiela Bradford says
No, I don’t currently use probiotics. I’ve always wondered what the benefit was to taking them. Thanks for the review.
Maryann says
We are huge believers in probiotics. They have helped my son with autism a lot.
Sandy VanHoey says
I have a bottle now, just started trying it a couple of weeks ago
Katharine P says
i’ve only used probiotics after using antibiotic for an infection. maybe it would help with some problems i’ve been having
Rust says
I am not using them right now but have in the past …and should again.
latanya says
michele p says
no, I don’t use them currently.
Vera K says
I am not using probiotics now.
Shanna says
YES I DO =) =)
Christina says
not at the moment
Cassandra Eastman says
I do, I have stomach problems so they really help!
Wehaf says
I occasionally use them.
Kristi p says
I do sometimes since I am pregnant and having issues with well you know :). Probiotics defintiely help.
Michelle H. says
I have stomach problems and have been told by a doctor to consider them.
Charity L. says
When I am sick my doctor recommends them. Otherwise, not daily.