Even though I am a stay at home mom now, I feel that I still have breakfast on the go most days out of the week. I don’t feel that nutrition should be sacrificed for convenience and I am always looking for healthy on the go options for my family. Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit is a quick and healthy breakfast option but can be enjoyed any time of day, as a meal or snack.
Currently there are two varieties of Seneca Oatmeal and Fruit, Apple Cinnamon (my personal fav) and Vanilla Peach. Let me tell you what I love about Seneca’s Oatmeal and Fruit. First off, they use REAL SUGAR. No high fructose corn syrup. Next, when you are on the go, you simply cannot be bothered with adding more ingredients to your on the go meal. Seneca Farms Oatmeal and Fruit is ready to go right into the microwave – no milk or water necessary! It contains no trans fats or cholesterol, and it is a great source of Vitamin C.
You can find Seneca oatmeal at a variety of retail grocery stores, including Walmart. Check out www.seneca-farms.com to see a full list of retailers that carry Seneca Oatmeal and Fruit. Keep an eye out for more exciting flavors coming soon!
Did you know that*…
- Nearly 60% of U.S. parents of children ages 3-17 admit that their child skips breakfast, with more than half of U.S. Moms wishing their child ate a more nutritious breakfast.
- 58% of U.S. Moms say they skip breakfast regularly. 46% of Moms who skip breakfast say they do so because they do not have enough time to prepare or eat it.
- 57% of single adults say the number one reason they skip breakfast is that they don’t have enough time to prepare it.
- While 71% of U.S. adults agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, 67% of those admit to skipping breakfast.
*Results of 2011 Children’s Nutrition Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive for Seneca Farms
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Disclosure: This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Although I received products to facilitate my review, all opinions are my own.
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