As I continue on my journey with cloth diapers, I feel that I have learned a lot, but I am still trying out new brands of diapers all the time. My little girl even has a lot of fun with cloth diapers because of all the fun colors and styles! I have a handful of “go-to” diapers that I like and I just added two new go-to diapers to my stash!
AMP Diapers is based in Canada and is the brainchild of Annie Marie Padorie. She did what any other mama who couldn’t find what she was looking for do: she started making her own cloth diapers for her babies. With a ton of skill and hard work, AMP Diapers was born, and so was a line of great fitting, super absorbent diapers.
I had the opportunity to review 4 products from her site and I was able to get a good feel for her products. They are all very high quality and super soft against baby’s tender skin. The first item I’m going to review is the One Size Duo. These diapers are one of my favorites that I would highly recommend because they are adjustable to fit babies sized 7-38 pounds. I feel that diapers with such a long lifespan really make cloth diapering worth every penny because they are used for so long. The outer layer is waterproof although you would never guess it from the softness of the diaper. The inside of the diaper is fleece and very soft against baby while keeping her dry. Since I don’t have a very large cloth stash, I like to use all my pocket diapers as All in Two diapers by placing the insert on top of the fleece. This way, the pocket diaper is used as a cover and you can use it all day long, or until it is soiled.
The next diaper from the AMP line is the All in Two diaper. The All in Two diapers come in two sizes which range from 6-18 pounds and 15-35 pounds. These may be more suitable for smaller babies by creating less bulk in the diaper. They are very adjustable and also very soft. These remind me of super-stretchy disposable diapers because of the awesome fit they create on baby. I also think that these would make a great starter diaper if you are new to cloth diapering. You can choose from AMP hemp or AMP Bamboo inserts to place in these diapers. All the diapers in the AMP line come in an assortment of colors!
The two inserts I reviewed are the 3 layer hemp inserts and the 3 layer hemp booster. They are made of three layers of 55% Hemp and 45% Cotton Fleece. Hemp is the only thing I use at night because they have the highest absorbency of anything I have tried yet. They are a great choice for longer car rides or sleep time and they are also known to have antimicrobial properties – which is a great feature when it comes to cloth diapering.
I am very satisfied with everything I have reviewed from the AMP diaper line and I would recommend them to people that are just starting out, or cloth diaper experts. I feel that they are superior quality. You can purchase AMP diapers at various locations listed here.
You can win a One Size Duo diaper! Here are the entry details:
Vote for me here (1 point per day-please leave me a comment each day you do this)
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Vashti M says
Picket Fence 7/20
Sara Myrick says
Thank you for this review and giveaway! These reviews really help newbies like me!
Rachel Neufeld says
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debbie m says
7/20 picket fence vote
Sandra says
You make cloth diapering sound so easy and exciting that I think I am going to be using cloth for my third on the way!
Carolyn H says
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Kate Charles says
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Kate Charles says
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debbie m says
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I filled out your form but didnt know if we were also to enter here. I am an email subscriber and follow sponsor on Facebook!
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voted on picket fence 07/25
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VOTED 7-25!!!
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debbie m says
7/28 picket fence
amy v says
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Charity L. says
Voted for you on 7/28.
debbie m says
7/29 picket fence vote!
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voted on picket fence today!!!
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I voted for you on picket fence blogs july 29
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Charity L. says
Voted on picket fence 7/30.
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Vashti M says
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Susan M. says
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voted today 07/30
Eileen says
voted picket fences. central time 7/31
Eileen says
tried to submit tweet on form but wont take without checking all the other entries again, which I already got credit for?
Chelsea Klassen says
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Vashti M says
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debbie m says
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Rachel Neufeld says
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voted 8/1!
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PF Vote 8/1
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Vashti M says
Picket fence 8/1
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8/1 picket fence
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