When I started cleaning my home with vinegar, everyone thought I was off my rocker. No one believed that vinegar could clean as well as other harsh chemicals out there. Now, I see my friends one by one with the bottle of Heinz vinegar on their counter ready to go for some kitchen sanitizing. I prefer white vinegar to clean with, but that’s also because I didn’t think I could clean with Apple Cider Vinegar.
Oh, Apple Cider Vinegar, a personal companion of mine when I was pregnant with my first child. It’s true what they say, “baby’s born with a lot of hair cause mama a lot of heartburn,” or something along those lines. Both my girls were blessed with lots of hair, and I suffered the consequences of the heartburn. I read somewhere that Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar may help with the effects of heartburn, and I was reluctant to try it because that would mean I would bring more acid into my belly. As I was shopping one day, my eye caught the bottle of Apple Cider vinegar and I had to give it a shot. The first time around didn’t help me and I thought I fell into an old wives trap, but I gave it another go and sure enough it worked for me! So, pregnant friends, listen up – if you are suffering from horrible acid buildup during pregnancy, have a spoonful of Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar!
Besides the obvious use of Apple Cider Vinegar for recipes, I use vinegar as an inexpensive way to cut through grease, power through the nasty milk buildup on bottles, and even sanitize pacifiers. I’ve read a lot on cleaning with vinegar and methods of diluting with water, but I prefer to just use full strength vinegar for cleaning. To clear up any misconceptions about cleaning with vinegar, the answer is NO, your home will not smell like vinegar when you clean with vinegar. The smell of vinegar will evaporate, leaving a sparkling clean counter, and absolutely no odor or stickiness! The acidity of the vinegar kills germs, so you can have a completely chemical free home when you choose to clean with vinegar.
Oh, and did you know you can also clean your pours with some Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar? Use it as an astringent on your face, or as an anti-itch remedy for bug bites. It’s also a great way to keep your toes looking refreshed in the summer! So, tell me – what do you use Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar for?
As far as the difference between filtered or unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, I always prefer unfiltered. I grew up hearing that unfiltered apple juice was always better for you because it would retain more nutrients, and I would think the same for unfiltered Apple Cider vinegar. You can find out more by visiting the Heinz Vinegar website and get some recipe ideas at Heinz Vinegar Recipes. To join their online community, be sure to check out the Heinz Vinegar Pinterest Page. I would love to hear YOUR uses for Vinegar! Share them below!
jen phipps says
Its so nice to hear of other people who also use vinegar as a cleaning agent!!! I love mixing it with washing soda and dawn for a sparkling clean floor, using it in my bathroom, throwing it in a load of laundry, and even rinsing my hair with it!!!