After moving out of my parents’ home and starting my own family, I’ve adopted my own habits and ways of doing things. The one thing that has stayed the same is the way I clean the bathroom. My mother was always consistent- she used Scrubbing Bubbles® for many years, and when I asked her why she didn’t ever change brands, her answer was simple- it worked. Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner offered effortless cleaning of the dreaded bathroom and also killed germs giving it a complete clean by leaving behind a gleaming clean sink, toilet, and tub. You can find out more by visiting Scrubbing Bubbles®
I’ll admit, I strayed when I tried products out myself. I knew my mother swore by this one brand, but I wanted to see what else was out there. After many trials, I went back to Scrubbing Bubbles® for the same reason my mom still uses it- it works! I love that after it’s sprayed, the foam expands to penetrate those super germy areas, killing germs, deodorizing, and cleaning dirt. My toddler is now potty trained, but she holds onto the toilet bowl and helps herself up when nature calls. This totally grosses me out, but knowing the toilet is frequently cleaned with Scrubbing Bubbles® makes me feel better.
Speaking of children, have you ever left your child unattended in the bathroom not realizing what was going on behind closed doors? My oldest daughter, although a sweet girl, can be quite mischievous when she’s quiet. I’ve caught her playing with my makeup, and getting a hold of her father’s mousse. You can imagine the sticky mess left behind and my horror at the thought of having to clean it up. Thankfully Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner made it easy to clean up the mess with an all in one product. The bathroom was clean in no time and the offending products were put on a shelf much higher than my preschooler can reach.
Scrubbing Bubbles is what’s in my bathroom too. They make so many different formulations, but they all seem to work!
It’s funny but things like this does stick around for traditions because you stand by a product you trust.
I love Scrubbing Bubbles it does a great job in cleaning my bathtub especially getting into the areas were it is hard to reach. Thank you for this review
I use Scrubbing bubbles, too! It’s the ONE thing that works in our showers to get everything out!
My bathroom could use some cleaning. I pick my cleaning solutions first by their effectiveness, but hate the products that smell too chemically. Scrubbing Bubbles has always been a favorite.
I’m pretty sure that my mom used Scrubbing Bubbles too! It’s the best! Speaking of, I need to clean my toilets…
Scrubbing Bubbles is a great brand! I love the expanding bubbles, too!
I grew up with my mother also using Scrubbing Bubbles and I did as you did, tried other products. But when it comes to cleaning my bathroom, Scrubbing Bubbles does work the best!
I love Scrubbing Bubbles the brilliant marketing hooked me years ago and it works so I keep using it! I need this multisurface version!
I can use Scrubbing Bubbles on pretty much every surface in my bathroom. It’s really a great product.
Yes, I love scrubbing bubbles….My mother used them and now so do I!
Love me some scrubbing bubbles! I spray that stuff on.. walk away for a little bit and come back to scrub. It does a great job.
I love how you can use it for so many rooms. It’s a must in our house too.
I grew up in France so I don’t have access to the brands I grew up with but I am pretty anal about keeping my bathroom clean. Kids can leave quite messy, Big kids as much as little ones lol. We allowed some “controlled mess” by giving the girls bath crayons that easily wash off to draw with. We ended up with some pretty fun murals in our bathroom 🙂
I can still remember when I first saw the scrubbing bubbles commercial come out all those years ago. The product worked then and it still works now.
I remember the commercial from when I was little. I really couldn’t understand why that didn’t happen when my grandma would spray it to clean the tub.
Oh and by that I mean the little scrubber cartoon guys coming out 🙂
I use Scrubbing Bubbles products in my house and I want to get the new Mutisurface cleaner. It looks like it works very good at getting rid of all the germs.
I have not used this product yet but would love to try it out. I hate cleaning bathrooms and will try anything that will make cleaning easier.
I like to use Scrubbing Bubbles for cleaning
I love Scrubbing Bubbles brand! I use the products in my bathroom for a deep clean, they always work wonders with little effort.
Scrubbing bubbles is great! It helps me so much with the cleaning! Everything you wrote is absolutely right! And I’m saying that as a professional cleaner!
Best regards!
South Tottenham Carpet Cleaners Ltd.