Candyless Easter Baskets may seem a little out of the ordinary, but it’s something I’ve done since my oldest child was just a year old. Since she wouldn’t be eating candy at that age, I thought it would be such a waste (and detrimental to my own waistline) if I stuffed her basket with candy. Instead I got her some summer fun essentials and small outdoor toys to fill her basket. Not much has changed since then, as each year my girls have received a basket full of summer fun goodies.
Two years ago I had this awesome idea to make flower-pot Easter baskets, and while I think that basket was my best one yet, the more recent years haven’t been lacking in any way. Last year my girls each received a basket with new swimsuits, summer shoes, bubbles, outdoor chalk, and other toys. This year’s baskets are very similar, except we’ve added a new member to our family!
I purchased canvas-lined baskets from Rite Aid, which were 50% off. They aren’t Easter themed, but the kids don’t pay much mind to the basket anyway, especially if it is wrapped with brightly colored cellophane. This year the kids each got new swimsuits from Platypus Australia, along with new shoes and toys for my son, a new Wii U game- Animal Cross amiibo Festival bundle, and jewelry for my oldest, and a collection of crafts and Shopkins for my middle daughter.
I think books are good to put in baskets (or any other time)
Oh such fun ideas! I love your flower pot basket you did! That is really cute and such a fun idea! We love to put other than candy things in our baskets too….love to do bubbles and balls for spring!
I love these ideas. Thanks for sharing
When my daughters were young, I use to love shopping for their Easter baskets. I like to fill it with spring toys…like jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a wooden paddle with ball attached and I always included silly putty.
These are great Easter basket idea without all the candy. I do not give that much candy, but I give some. I will be adding some fun non candy items to my daughter’s Easter basket!
Love the candyless basket idea! We usually only get our daughter a few sweets in her basket and the rest is things she needs.
This is a great idea! It is a good way to start a new tradition with getting kids things they they both want and need and still have a good time, and less worry about their health and teeth!
I love this idea! When my husband and I have children, I will definitely implement these baskets!