I have (another) confession to make:
After cloth diapering for almost 2 months, I switched back to sposies for the weekend. I can explain: we went away for a few days and we had no access to a washing machine and my diaper stash is not large enough to make it through 3 days without washing. So, I resorted back to the landfill piling diapers.
I do have great news though… I FINALLY put my little girl in cloth diapers at night. If you remember my first post about cloth diapers, I had put my daughter in a cloth diaper for night time and within 3 hours she was soaked. I had to switch her back to regular diapers until I found a solution.
The owner of My Baby Wears Cloth was nice enough to send me some samples (and a ton of advice) to try out. I will be reviewing each diaper she sent me, but for this post I am going to tell you about my NEW nighttime best friend – Hemp! This magical piece of cloth – a lot thinner than the inserts I have for cloth diapering, soaks up E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! We had absolutely NO leaks and I am excited to order another hemp insert soon so that I do not need to wash this one everyday.
If you use Rockin Green detergent on your cloth diapers, you should check out My Baby Wears Cloth today! They are going for $12 a bag and FREE SHIPPING when you spend $50! That is an AWESOME deal and the cheapest online at the moment!
Connect with My Baby Wears Cloth on Facebook and let her know A Time Out For Mommy sent you!
Laura@everydayeasy says
I used sposies this weekend too. We had a wedding that was an all weekend affair and Baby K was being shuttled around between the grandparents. I wouldn't have had time to get the diapers washed. No shame in that! Its all about what works best for your family!