My son has gone from being a super picky eater to a very adventurous eater almost over night. Lately he likes to try new things and I’m loving it, but he also wants to be independent while eating. This means my toddler wants to feed himself, and while that’s a great characteristic, it’s also a very messy one. One that isn’t always convenient when we are heading out the door from one thing to the next.
When we are on the go, baby food pouches are usually our go-to snack in the car or while he’s seated in his stroller. The only problem with baby food pouches is their super-squeezability. The big feature that we love about them is also something that we don’t like so much. Babies like to squeeze things and giving an independent baby a food pouch in the car is not for the faint of heart. Listening to your baby scream because they want to feed themselves isn’t an option either.
So, here we have a predicament, but with all problems come solutions. Gerber, a long-term brand in the baby game knows babies. They also know parents. Their latest product, the Gerber Grabbers with the Smart Flow spout is the best of both worlds. You can have your child feed themselves without having to worry about getting pureed baby food all over the place.
You can find the latest Gerber’s New Smart Flow™ at your local Stop & Shop supermarket. They are also conveniently available through Peapod, so you can have all your groceries and baby food delivered right to your doorstep! How’s that for easy!?