Today was the first FULL day I had my little one in cloth diapers. The cleanup is not as bad as I thought AT ALL! They are super cute and she seems much more comfortable in them.
She is currently using Bumgenius Flips. I like them a lot because they are really easy to use for a newbie like me. What I don’t like about them is that the cloth slips and although she has not leaked, the cover still gets soiled so it has to get changed at almost every diaper change. I’m hoping that as I get use to putting them on, I will figure out how to get them to stay in place.
I also got the Bumkins Flushable Diaper Liner, Neutral and I’m a little iffy on them. These definitely do not stay in place and I might as well not use them because everything gets dirty anyway! They got really good ratings, so maybe I’m just not using them correctly..
So far I have 4 Flip covers and 12 inserts, which is 2 boxes. 1 box will last you approximately a day (for a toddler) I wash them once a day. I’m still not comfortable taking her out in them because I can’t change her that easy with them. I still haven’t gotten a wet bag so I have nothing to put her soiled inserts in.
My overall feelings: her diaper pail needed to get changed every other day. The only thing that is in there today are wipes. I already notice a difference in the amount of garbage we are producing. Aside from environmental – I think cloth diapers are so much cuter than sposies and MUCH softer on her skin.
You might also like Sun Babies, lots of people love them and they are inexpensive.
I have some fitted BSRB's sitting in storage waiting for a baby bum to wrap up.
That is so exciting that you are making the switch to cloth diapers! I love how cute they are too. Just a little encouragement, it does get easier with practice and you'll figure out the tricks to keep them from leaking. Also some liners snap into place and the helps keep them from moving and leaking. I have a few post about our experience with cloth diapers and I add more as we learn. Good luck!
Congratulations on making it through the first day! I primarily use Bum Genius One Size, but I do have 3 flip covers and 6 inserts. The Flips do take a little practice to get the hang of.
Also, which wipes are you using? I want to make the switch to cloth wipes as well.
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!
Laura: I am using huggies wipes mostly, but I do have Bummas wipes on hand. They are great!
Yay! Congrats. I introduced a friend to cloth and she started with the flips and loved them. I'm glad to hear it's going well for you.
Wow Conrats with the cloth diapers. That's great.Most of my friends use cloth I give them a lot of credit. I found you on the friday bloghop I am now following.
WOW! What an amazing Momma you are to be using cloth diapers! I have been realllly considering doing this bc of ALL the waste I go through on a daily basis. I found your blog through "Inspiring you to Save" and I am glad I clicked on your link 🙂
Delighted Momma
Blog hopping today and am your newest follower. I hope that one of my blogs interests you too.
I also do a weekend blog hop, you can link up your blog, twitter, FB, blog frog community etc every Friday-Sunday! blog hop here!
Hi! Following you from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. Kudos to you for doing the cloth diaper thing. I just couldn't do it, although I love the idea.
I just got a pattern for cloth diaper. They are cute. I even got one for baby dolls to match. Too cute! I wll put a pic of the doll one on my blog for you to see. The baby one looks very similar.
I am follow you via the Sit and Relax Weekend Blog hop. Pleassee follow me.
I'm following from the mom social weekend hop. I've been wanting to try cloth diapers too but I honestly have no idea what i'm doing with them. So many questions.
Hope you'll stop by:
Thanks for your kind words, everyone!!!