I just found out I have very low iron as a result of my latest pregnancy. Having low iron means I get extremely lethargic and there are days I just don’t feel like getting out of bed. Iron is also important in staying healthy, fighting infection, and clotting. Not only do adults need to make sure they are getting enough iron, but babies also need to get adequate iron- 11 milligrams to be exact. Cereals and breast milk are the best sources for iron in children.
Earth’s Best Cereals are a great source of iron for younger babies who are just starting to eat solid foods. They include 45% of the iron infants need for proper growth and development and come in various whole grain varieties that are suitable for different stages. I started my first baby off with Earth’s Best Rice cereal at the suggestion of her pediatrician and that is all we used until she was done with infant cereals. Now Earth’s Best has on the go-multi packs which I am excited to try with my new baby once she is eating solids. They are individual pouches that are easily transportable.
All Earth’s Best cereals are made with 100% organic whole grains. The whole grains sustain baby longer and also provide more nutrients than processed white grains. To this day, my toddler still prefers whole grain pasta over white pasta and I think it is because we trained her tastebuds early! You can find out more about Earth’s Best cereals at Earth’s Best and connect with Earth’s Best on Facebook to stay up to date on their latest news and promotions!
Disclosure: I am currently a member of the “Earth’s Best Bloggers” program and this post is part of my involvement in the group. While Earth’s Best provides me with material and necessary resources to serve as content for blog posts, all statements and sentiment are my own