My preschooler was potty trained at 2 years old, and while it was pretty easy to get her potty trained once she was ready, I can’t say that night time was just as easy. She slept in training pants for about 6 months, which is the point where she woke up dry every night and I was daring enough to leave her in underwear. Just recently, she started having accidents at night, which aren’t frequent but enough to make me want to take precautionary measures so that I don’t have to change the sheets in the middle of the night. My daughter ends up in my bed every morning when my husband leaves for work, and on a few occasions I have woken up to a puddle around myself and both my daughters. It still amazes me how much liquid this kid can have in her belly, even after emptying her bladder right before bedtime. Needless to say, I don’t like waking up anyone’s cold urine, no matter how cute they are, but my preschooler has been a little resistant to putting training pants on again.
Since she doesn’t wet the bed all the time, I really don’t want to spend a ton of money on training pants, because most of them will end up in the garbage, used but not needed. When I discovered , I was impressed by the price of just $7.75 for a bag of gender neutral leakage protection. In my personal experience, generic training pants have been hard and stiff, and even caused rashes in my nephew, so I’ve been wary of generic diaper products. White Cloud Sleep Pants, however, were very soft and stretchy, creating a comfortable fit each time. They are super thin, which is great for older children who need over night protection but don’t want a bulky training pant to show through.
Since they are not what she is use to, my preschooler was more receptive to trying out White Cloud Sleep Pants which featured “big kid” designs with trendy images. Although my daughter has sensitive skin, she did not experience any issues with White Cloud Sleep Pants, which are treated with Vitamin E and Aloe to protect the skin.
You can find White Cloud Sleep Pants exclusively at Walmart in two sizes, S/M or L/XL for just $7.75
This post was brought to you by White Cloud Sleep Pants. All opinions are my own
Did you know that over 5 million kids a year experience bedwetting and it is one of the most common experiences during childhood development?
have been developed to provide exceptional comfort and leakage protection while looking like underwear. White Cloud Sleep Pants offer thin, discrete absorbent protection for your child. They have soft, stretchy sides that fit like real underwear, plus leak guards to help protect against leaks. The soft inner liner is hypoallergenic and treated with vitamin E and aloe for skin protection.
Each bag contains two unisex graphic designs and at $7.75, White Cloud offers exceptional value.
I’ll have to try these. We use the Pampers Under Jamz at Target.. Its a box (I know the large extra large is like 40 in there) for $19,99 so this sounds like a better deal. My son potty trained early at before 2.. but started wetting the bed at night around 4. I didnt know these products existed for the 1st year… he ruined his mattress and it sucked but it wasnt every night. He just turned 8 and he now does it almost every night. It kills me but the drs keep swearing its normal. I just feel so bad for him because he cant go to camp with cub scouts or sleep over at a friends….
Those are so cute! I love how fun they are, I bet the kids feel better about wearing them!
Nightime bedwetting is always such a bummer. I still have one child who just can’t seem to wake up when they have to go potty.
My daughter potty trained super quick but she still has issues with bedwetting at night.
Thanks for sharing. I am sure these are great for kids that have issues with wetting the bed.
I’ll keep this in mind for when my son is older.
These seems like a great transitional option!
Little man stopped with this, then for two weeks wet the bed almost nightly, and now he is back to normal again…I have no idea what that was about!
My sister in law needs this for my niece!!
Always better safe than sorry when it comes to overnight!
We love White Cloud underpants for little ones around here.
I wish I would have known about these earlier – my son just finally stopped having night time accidents!
I am so thankful that mine are out of diapers.
These seem like they would work well.
That is very inexpensive for these.
That’s a great price!
My youngest has issues I’m going to look for these when next I’m at the market!
I am glad we are passed this stage, but as far as sleep pants go, these at least have fun colors.
good to see these are still on the market they are great for when kids have stomach issues too or can’t make it to the bathroom on long trips
These look like they would be great for potty trainers.