It’s no secret I’m a germophobe. Yes, I know we NEED germs, but I’m not afraid of those good germs that are designed to build up our immune systems. I’m afraid of school germs, kitchen germs, and bathroom germs. I’m afraid of what lurks in between my children’s nails and on my kitchen counter after making dinner. I’m afraid of the germs that make our family sick for weeks on end as they pass from one member to the next. Each time someone in my family gets sick, I hear my mom’s voice in the back of my head saying I need to use Lysol to disinfect, then I hear her voice for real on the other end of the phone asking if I’ve disinfected with Lysol. You can say she swears by Lysol, and growing up its one thing I can remember her always using when someone got sick. She would spray everything- door knobs, bathroom surfaces, pillows- anything that the virus-infested person touched.
I Learned a Lot At #LysolGermSchool! Here’s The Scoop on Germs
It’s a name we’ve trusted for years, and now that I have my own little germ-infested mini-mes running around I turn to the brand I’ve grown up with. From household use to our family trips where we stay in hotels, my trusty can of Lysol is not too far away. When I received a special invitation to attend Lysol Germ School I was excited to hear more about these bugs. Did you know that you generally do not get sick from kissing someone else who may have a cold? I was shocked to hear that when expert Germologist Joe Rubino shared this interesting fact. Another well known fact he shared was that most people get sick from dirt hands, and stressed the importance of proper hand washing. He told us about all the hot spots where germs lurk- in the bathroom, kitchen, door knobs, and when you are traveling they are commonly found on the remote control, phone, and light switches.
I could almost FEEL the germs crawling on me as he discussed the variety of germs and how they invade our family’s bodies. As I type this now, my little guy has the dreaded stomach virus and I can only assume his constant hand-gnawing to relieve his teething symptoms is how he got sick. I’ve already wiped down his toys with Lysol disinfecting wipes to prevent the spread of germs in our household. I fear that if this virus passed through everyone in our house, we will be infected right up until school starts, which bring me to my next point:
School Germs. I fear them because you have hundreds of kids touching everything. They aren’t the best hand washers, but hopefully they can learn by example. Things like teaching them to wet their hands, lather soap, and sing their ABCs or Happy Birthday in their head while they wash can ensure they are cleaning well. I tell my girls they need to clean the top and bottom of their hands, then in between their fingers. This past year, my oldest was considerably less sick than the year before, and I chalk that up to proper hand washing and a vigilant teacher who swore by LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes. Our school supply lists for the past few years have always been specific and included LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes. Our teachers use them to wipe down surfaces and as much of the classroom as possible to prevent the spread of germs.
You can find out more about germs, how they spread, and how to prevent illness by visiting LYSOL Healthy Habits. LYSOL is now the only household cleaning brand that bears the Box Tops logo which means for every marked Lysol product you by, you can clip the Box Tops for Education and earn money for your school!