You might remember my post about bed wetting a few weeks ago. The folks over at White Cloud, the Walmart brand for sleep pants, are throwing a Twitter party on June 4th at 1:30PM EST. Bed Wetting is not just for newly potty trained toddlers, it can be a problem that lasts throughout the childhood years and can affect the self esteem of the child. Thankfully, there are measures that parents can take to ensure their child wakes up dry – such as using thin-fitting White Cloud Sleep Pants. For just $7.75, you can get a bag of full night leakage protection!
The grand prize for the White Cloud Twitter party will be a $200 Amazon Gift Card! Anyone who RSVPs below and attends the party is eligible to win. The party will be on June 4th at 1:30 EST. I will be there to host, so be sure to stop by and say a virtual “Hi!” The hashtag to use is #WhiteCloudSleepPants and you can find me on my Twitter name as @atimeout4mommy. You can easily follow along using this .
Sheri says
I hope it goes well!
Kathleen says
Oooh sounds like a party with great prizes!
LyndaS says
I would participate if I had a little one.
Mellisa says
What a fun party! I will try and make it.
Vanessa: thequeenofswag says
Hope I can make it.
Robin Gagnon {Mom Foodie} says
I’ll try and make it
Jenn says
Thanks for the invite!
Shell Feis says
Darn, I’ll be on vacation- have fun! That’s an awesome prize.
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
Sounds like it will be a great twitter party! We are still dealing with this on a regular basis which I’m not exactly excited about.
nicole @Nicky_Olea says
Cool and it’s at a time where it’s not int he middle of the night here! Gonna try to make it!
Angela says
Just marked my calendar and hope to make it!
Colleen says
Hope the twitter party goes well.
Theresa says
Sounds like a fun twitter party!
Autumn Daily says
Ready to party! See you then!
rychepet says
had a little trouble w/the linky so I may appear 2x … sorry… please delete 1st one…thanks!