I never thought twice about having a high chair for my girls. It was on my “must have” list from my first baby and I really thought they were all basically the same. I got an expensive high chair that promised to be easy to clean and featured not one but TWO covers for the seat. It also promised to fold small when not in use. It did everything it promised and had all the features mentioned. What they didn’t mention was that the SEAT would be easy to wipe down but the little tiny cracks in the folds of the seat would be impossible to clean. It did fold, but when it folded it took up just as much room as it did when it was open.
Fast forward 4 years later and I finally know what I want AND need. My little one wants to join us at the table, she doesn’t want to be alone in a corner in her own chair. When we were sent the Sesame Street Fun Elmo Fruits and Fun Booster seat to review, I was immediately intrigued by the design. It was simple – no fancy covers, no pieces to put together – just the seat and the tray. THIS is what I needed all this time!
The Elmo Booster seat is perfect for kids that are already sitting on their own, after 6 months of age. It can be used for children up to 45 pounds, so this is one piece of baby gear that will last a long time. My toddler is almost 4 and 35 pounds, so she can easily sit in the seat to be at table level. Since this seat is mostly for my 12 month old, it had features that appealed to her, such as a friendly Elmo character and a holographic Elmo tray. I have to say, my favorite feature is the tray because it easily snaps in and adjusts. I found with my old high chair I was always catching her leg in the bar that was suppose to keep her from falling through the chair.
Retailing at only $26.99, this seat offers years of use and easily connects to your kitchen chairs with a sturdy belt. The seat folds also, so bringing it to grandma’s house is no biggie! You can find out more about the Elmo booster seat by heading over to Kolcraft. You can also join Kolcraft’s online community on Facebook and Twitter.
Mellisa says
What a cute seat!
Shell Feis says
That’s really cute! I totally know what you mean about the cracks being filthy.
nicole @nicky_olea says
I actually had both – with my kids and preferred the seat.
Tricia Nightowlmama says
ELMO!!! who doesn’t love elmo
Marcie W. says
I always preferred a booster seat to a high chair once my kids were older. Besides, what kid doesn’t like Elmo?
courtney says
Oh my gosh so cute and handy!
Leilani says
My oldest daughter never got into Elmo, but my second daughter LOVES him! Such a cute booster!
Toni says
What a cute seat. I love that it is portable and you can take it anywhere.
Tammy says
That’s so cute – our daughter would have loved that when she was little – Elmo was her favorite!