Everyone is affected by the time changes we have twice a year, but I’m always excited for the spring ahead change. Not only do we gain more daylight hours, but that means that spring is around the corner! Unfortunately not everyone is excited about these time changes. It can throw off routines, make for ineffective workers for a few days, and create some really cranky kids! There are ways to get your kids ready for time changes about a week leading up to the big day.
The way we prepare for time changes varies on the season. In the fall we turn the clocks back by 1 hour, so a week before the time change we put the kids to bed 10 minutes earlier each night. By the time the week is up, the hour is made up for and they have already adjusted by taking these small steps. In the spring, we do the opposite. Since we turn the clocks ahead by one hour, we put the kids to be 10 minutes later each day for a week leading up to the time change. Sounds easy? Well, it is! The mornings take a little more time to adjust, but by making small changes to their routine each night, it’s not so bad. We even adjust dinner time to accommodate the changes.
Pampers knows that any change in routine can be difficult for younger children as well as their parents. This year, Daylight Savings time is March 8, 2015. Keeping your baby dry during these changes may help ensure a better night of sleep for everyone. Pampers Baby Dry keeps them dry for up to 12 hours, making it a great solution for nighttime wetness protection.
You can find out more about adapting to new sleep routines by joining @Pampers on March 3 from 9-10pm EST at their Twitter party with The Sleep Lady, Kim West. She will be sharing her tips for helping little ones transition through the time change and can answer any questions you may have. You can RSVP here: http://vite.io/DoubleDutyDivas. Twitter prizes include:
Prize 1: Cloudb Twilight Turtle ($32) plus diapers/wipes
Prize 2: Graco Portable Rocker ($80) plus diapers/wipes
Prize 3:Graco Pack n Play ($100) plus diapers/wipes
RSVP: diapers/wipes
Grand Prize: Wireless Video Baby Monitor by Motorola plus one month of diapers/wipes ($180)
Along with the awesome prizes you can win at the Twitter party, you can also win a Pampers Prize Pack which includes Dr. Kim West’s Book, a month supply (4 packs) of Pampers Baby Dry Diapers Size 6 Jumbo Pack, a month supply (2 packs) of Pampers Sensitive Wipes, and a Cloud B Twilight Turtle! Just fill out the form below:
We are very lucky since we live in AZ there is no time change. But we will get to facetime his grandparents sooner now.
My daughter just started climbing out of her crib, so her sleep schedule is already really messed up. I’m hoping this might actually help get her back on track 🙂
all way does
Daylight savings time won’t effect us so much this year since my daughter is in pre k that is only half day and she goes in the afternoon. But next year I already know it will be a pain because my daughter is hyper enough thay she won’t want to go to bed and waking up is a hassle and with baby #2 it will be that much more difficult.
My daughter is not affected much by daylight savings.
We adjust their schedule 15 minutes earlier/later and then we adjust to 30 minutes earlier/later to get everyone used to things.
Daylight savings causes my neighbors boys to be tired in the morning.
We go to bed one hour earlier in an attempt to get on schedule.
We start getting our kids ready a few weeks ahead of time so it doesn’t really bother them.
We will start preparing for daylight savings time this week!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!!
He is only 6 months old and still has a crazy sleep schedule so hopefully it won’t affect him too much!
My sons will be more tired and drive me crazy! LOL
I am really hoping it will not make a big impact but I guess we will see!
It usually doesn’t affect him at all
It doesn;t effect her too much.
It always affects their sleep patterns, especially my school aged son since he really feels it in the morning
It’s my sons first daylight savings time experience..he probably will just stay up late for several days 🙁
I’m sure bed time will be a bit tough due to day light savings. We’re going to try to adjust sleep times over a weeks time as opposed to all in one night.
My son always wakes up early so he will most likely wake up even earlier after Daylight Savings Time.
IT really doesn’t seem to effect my child at all, not that I have noticed anyways.
DLS time doesn’t really have an affect, we stick to our normal sleep routine and he seems to do just fine.
We will just adjust our routine a little bit to get used to the change.
My kids wake up early so I don’t think this will be a huge deal! Maybe in the fall it will be harder!
I am hoping it won’t have any effect on her sleep time but I have a feeling she will fight going to sleep the first few nights!
It doesnt bother the little ones because I can control their enviroment but my teen is another story. My biggest problem is outside noise, lawn mowers and traffic.
We try to adjust what time he goes to bed so it doesn’t bother him too much.
DST doesn’t really affect my kids, we just stick to our normal routine
we adjust 5-10 minutes each night
We live in AZ, so it doesn’t effect us
I hope it will not affect her a great deal. Adjusting the bedtime a little each night may help out.
It really has never effected us in the past. My daughter and son are great sleepers and the baby is still getting used to sleeping at night in general since he is only 2 months old. So thankfully we have it pretty easy. One thing I do consistently is do nightly warm baths right before bedtime to get them drowsy. It never fails!!
She will get less rest and I will have to adjust her bedtime
She will be whinny for a bit.
I’m not sure. My grandson is a newborn, so he already sleeps a lot – don’t know if it will really affect him.
I’m pregnant with my first baby so I definitely know that in the future it will affect our family and we will have to adjust to the time change too!
What works for us is having black out curtains so that the room is very dark. We have a small night light for both kids and also use a white noise machine for each of them. So far, so good! We have been through a couple time changes and no problems! Julie smartsavvymama@gmail.com
Not much because I am planning ahead of time for it
My daughter was not affected by Daylight savings time last time. Hopefully it will be the same!
Time change does not seem to effect my kids. I am lucky on that part
Daylights do affect kids sleeping routine, but it takes about a week only before their body gets adjusted to the new timings.
We try to get them to go to bed an hr earlier so it doesnt mess them up. I dont really know how it is going to go. I guess we shall see.
It will be hard to get my son out of bed all this week!
I am crossing my fingers and hope my kids dont notice!
Hopefully it will make him sleep later!