Peace of mind.. It's what every parent wants when it comes to the safety of their child. When my first baby was an infant, she slept in my room, right next to me, and I STILL woke up every hour to check on her. With so many sad SIDS stories, and the fear of something going wrong at night, I had a hard time taking my infant out of my room. When she was 6 months old, I finally felt that she could be moved to her crib. I watched her each night from ...
Baby Safety Month
Baby Safety Month: MAM Baby Products
You might remember my post about MAM pacifiers and the ability to personalize them. These were the first pacifiers I made for my newborn, but since there was a size smaller in the MAM pacifier product line, I decided to give her the newborn pacifiers first. Within a few weeks she had outgrown her newborn pacifiers and started taking the next size and I was finally able to introduce her to the personalized "Mute Button" pacifier I made her. My ...