Do you decorate your home for all the major holidays? I always added a little something the my home before kids, but now that I have a preschooler, each holiday is a major festivity. I can't complain, it's fun and I love it, plus I get to spruce things up every month to reflect the season. The current decor: Valentine's Day! Pinks and reds were always colors my preschooler gravitated to. She's a girlie girl and loves anything with ...
Smoother Skin, Softer Hair with #T3Source Shower Head! #sponsored
When I was younger, I noticed that after a few days at our beach house my hair felt very dry. I chalked it up to different hair products, but even after using the same shampoo and conditioner, I didn't notice a difference. My hair felt different, and when I told my mother, she explained that the water was different in the city than it was in the small rural town. I always thought that all water was the same, and when you take a shower to clean ...
It’s Time for a New Mattress! #SleepNumber #DualTemp (And a Sweepstakes for YOU!)
This is a public service announcement to all my female readers. Word of advice: don't let your hubby pick out your mattress. I made that mistake once and I will never do that again. Instead of buying our mattress from a mattress store, we bought it from a furniture store. I know you might think, "is there really a difference?" And the answer is yes. Would you go to a pediatrician for a c-section? Sure, your pediatrician might be a very skilled ...