I'm a horrible shopper. I don't like shopping because I feel that I can never find what I'm looking for. Then, I see something on someone else - a friend, family member, and even someone at the grocery store, and I find myself saying "OMG, I HAVE TO HAVE THAT! Where did you get it?" I know in high school, that may have been a huge no-no because who wants to feel that they are "stealing" someone else's style? It seems that in adulthood, it's much ...
iphone app
Take a Time Out With #SolitaireDeluxe and Enter to Win a Clarasonic Plus! {Giveaway}
I rarely have ANY personal time to do anything for myself, sometimes including taking a shower. Sometimes I just want to tune out the world, if even only for 5 minutes. I have downloaded many apps on my phone, but the majority is for productivity or games for my toddler. It's nice to download something for myself AND have the time to play it! My favorite types of games are card games. I love that there are so many different types of card ...