Mommies need a time out too… and if that means that mommy is going to take a few minutes to indulge some fun , then so be it! I hardly have time for online games these days, but I do make it a point to take a half hour to myself every day. I also have guidelines set up for my half hour of “me time.” Just like I have rules for my toddler when she is in time out, the same goes for myself. There will be no working while on time out. Basic necessities do not constitute a time out, therefore taking a shower cannot count towards my half hour. Cooking dinner, NOT a time out. Playing an online game: my kind of time out!
I just started playing and while it’s not my typical choice for online entertainment, it has drawn me in and I find myself wanting to play it more and more. I love games that are fast moving because I get bored easily, but the game also has to give me some direction as to what I need to do. Tail Towns Friends starts you off with a few tutorials. Honestly, this is the first time I have even done more than skim through an online tutorial. The tutorial is informative yet fun, and tells you all you need to know to be successful in Tail Towns Friends.
What makes Tail Town Friends different from other online games is that it actually has figurines that bring the game to life. There are many characters and you can play as all or one of them, each having a unique story line. The characters’ lives intertwine to create a soap opera-like game experience that can be enjoyed by just about everyone in the family.
When I first started plating Tail Town Friends, I was a little overwhelmed from all the options. Once the tutorials started, I quickly got the hang of the game and it started to progress. I warn you- it is a VERY addicting game! I started playing it for review purposes but I soon found myself wanting to stay up to play to see what would happen next! (I’m telling you- JUST like a soap opera!) I used my unique figurine codes to bring new characters into my Tail Towns world. Adding new characters with different personalities adds a little spice to the game and keeps it interesting.
You can find out more about Tail Towns Friends and start playing immediately! You will soon find yourself in a fun, interactive gaming experience that gives you a little break from reality!
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Tail Towns Friends.
Lori Thomas says
It`s a fun cute lil game. Just need more ppl added to make it easier to do quests and advance further.
Stefani says
This is a cute game. We just setup an account and have been playing too!
Billie says
Looks like a cute game. I’ll have to check it out.
Becca @ Mama B says
Looks fun!