Some people relax on the weekends. Me.. not really. The weekends are reserved for blog work, household duties, grocery shopping, and getting things done that I normally can’t get done while I have two kids attached at the hip. I’d love a break, but keeping me busy keeps me out of trouble. It is usually the times that I am bored that I decide the walls need painting, or the furniture needs rearranging, so as long as I’m busy, my hubby remains sane.
When the girls are in bed, which is rare that they are both in bed at night around the same time, I try to take a few minutes for myself. I leave my phone in my room, I shut off my computer, and I check out the huge stack of magazines piled up. I love to look at recipes and health related topics, and then I have my guilty pleasure: celebrity lifestyles! For the latest and most accurate celeb info, I relax with People magazine and a cup of tea, or in today’s case, hot cocoa.
This week’s issue of People magazine features a candid interview with Brad Pitt, as well as Halle Berry’s Thanksgiving ruckus. We say goodbye to Larry Hagman, and go behind the scenes of Two and a Half men. I’m not even going to get into the whole Casey Anthony article, but I’m sure you are all with me when I say I just want to vomit every time I see her face…
What I love most about People magazine is that it gives me a break. For a few minutes as I read through the pages, my brain can shut off to the everyday routine. Although it sounds contradictory, I also love to figure out the puzzler in the back of the magazine. My hubby and I work on it together and creates some much needed bonding time.
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate MediaGroup™, but all my opinions are my own
I always read PEOPLE and all the other celebrity-type magazines at the doctor and dentist offices. It really is a little break from reality.