Everyone knows the old saying “boys and their toys!” Little boys seem to be attracted to the big, bright toys that read “destruction” all over them. When I was younger, I remember playing with my older brother’s transformers and got a kick out of them being able to transform from a robot to a vehicle. We had hours of fun changing them up and using them in various role playing games.
Today’s kid is no different. They get bored easy and need toys that can entertain, stimulate, and teach them. There is a big technology push in education in younger children, and toys should be adaptive to reflect this technological wave. VTech is known to implement technology in all their toys, and they also have various toys that are meant for specific age groups. Their latest line of toys is for ages 3-8 and while they are geared towards boys, there is nothing wrong with a girl playing with dinosaurs or cars! The VTech Dinos, in my opinion, are going to be a big hit this holiday season.
What I loved most about the VTech Switch & Go Dinos were their ability to change faces. This personalized the toy and made it realistic to a child. When the Switch & Go Dino is in the dinosaur position, the eyes change and move to reflect how the dino feels. When it is in the vehicle position, the driver appears. I love this seemingly little touch that VTech added. It gives the toys a totally different playing experience than the transformers I use to play with.
Each Dinosaur Vehicle has their own personality and ability. Knowing VTech made them, I expected them to be durable and smart, and they definitely lived up to my expectations!
Right now, VTech is running the Show & Tell with Switch & Go Video Contest on their Facebook page. The contest runs through October 1, 2012 and your child can win a kid’s lifetime supply of toys just by uploading a 30 second video of your child’s home made Dino creation! For more information, and to enter, be sure to visit VTech toys!
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for VTech. I received VTech Switch & Go Dinos product samples to facilitate my review
My son wold have had so much fun with those!!
We have 2 of these Dinos and my kids looove them!
I bet my little guys would love these.
These sound really cool, my youngest would love them!