Even before having kids of my own, I was “that mom.” The one who always felt like she had to be prepared for everything. In my car I always carried a small first aid kit with the essentials. Now that I have kids of my own, not much has changed. I’m still the over-prepared mom at the playground with antiseptic, band aids, and NEOSPORIN®, willing to offer booboo healing to anyone who may need it.
My first aid kits vary from my bag, to the car, to what I have at home, but the basics in all of them are NEOSPORIN® to help prevent infection and provide pain relief, and BAND-AID® Brand products in fun characters that my kids love. When kids have booboos, a familiar face from television always seems to cheer them up, and BAND-AID® Brand offers a wide variety of options when it comes to designs. They also protect wounds from germs or dirt getting in the way of healing. Other items included in my first aid kits are antiseptic wash, because you don’t always have access to fresh soap and water, and gauze- to help gently clear away dirt and debris on a cut or scrape.
My first aid bag was actually a free gift from when I purchased 3 or more qualifying products from the BAND-AID® Brand or NEOSPORIN® product line, and I like to keep our basics in that bag. (Some retailers offer the bag free when you purchase qualifying items, so be sure to check your local stores and circulars.) My youngest daughter calls it my “doctor kit” and she’s right- it fixes their booboos right up! Did you know that you are 3x more likely to have an accident in your home than while you are outdoors? That is why I always make sure I’m appropriately stocked, for those just-in-case moments.
BAND-AID® Brand and NEOSPORIN® Brand both know how important play is throughout childhood and have partnered with KaBOOM to encourage active lifestyles. Through their partnership they are donating first aid products to play spaces across the country, while also contributing to the expansion of new KaBOOM play spaces through the Rigamajig grant. Tamera Mowry-Housley has also joined this team as the campaign spokesmom to help spread the word.
shelly peterson says
I actually do not have a first aid kit but I do keep on hand band aids, Neosporin and peroxide at home. but I should really have a first aid keep in the car.
nicole dziedzic says
We keep our first aid kit up to date, we also have one in the car in the trunk. Always great idea to have them on hand. We keep them stocked.
Julie Wood says
Bandaid and Neosporin are in my first aid kit also and these are great products to help with keeping my son and daughter treated when they get hurt!
Janet W. says
What a great kit with everything you might need! I’d like to keep something like this in my car.
Betsy Barnes says
When my son was younger, we kept first aid kits in both vehicles, backpacks. We still keep them in the car and both bathrooms. It’s always good to be prepared 🙂
sangeetha menon says
Now that is a very useful post. First aid kit is a must in every household.