Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Kia Motors
Road trips are a thing of the past for me and my hubby… or at least for now they are. Some of our favorite road trips were right before we got married. We use to take frequent road trips on the east coast until my toddler came along- then our trips became shorter, and infrequent. She gets car sick and we haven’t been able to control it, nor do we know when it will hit her, as it doesn’t seem consistent.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Kia Motors
It all happened during our first road trip with her: I had just found out I was pregnant with baby #2 and we were taking a trip to Pennsylvania with friends and family. Each family took their own car, and in retrospect this was a great idea. Everything seemed to go well- we packed her a few things to keep her busy on our 4 hour drive. About two hours into the trip, we decided to stop at a rest stop where I gave her some milk- BIG MISTAKE! Within minutes of getting in the car, she started coughing and that’s when I realized this wasn’t normal coughing, it was more like heaving. And then it happened… all over the backseat, front seat, rear view mirror- you name it, it was covered in regurgitated milk. The site was not pretty, neither was the smell.
We thought it was a fluke- she had never been in a car for an extended period of time. Soon after we realized this was a REAL problem, as it became a reoccurring problem. Since the few incidents we take a few steps before getting into the car to prevent car sickness in my toddler:
- No liquids up to 1 hour before a car ride
- Only crackers or dry foods can be consumed prior to entering the car (and always have crackers on hand in the car)
- SeaBands work great for adults- kids, however, don’t keep them on!
- Keep child looking through the front window.
- Don’t allow child to play games or read in the car.
- Make frequent stops if taking a long trip- even if it’s just for fresh air.
- Keep the car cool- warm air seems to exacerbate nausea symptoms.
We’ve been able to prevent motion sickness so far… hopefully we can start taking road trips again!
Mellisa says
I had horrible car sickness as a kid! I can remember my mom having to actually pull over and get a room for the night because I got so sick. Luckily I have outgrown it some, hopefully she does too.
Jennifer The Quirky Momma says
We went on month-long road trips every summer when I was a child. Always Wisconsin and always in August. We haven’t been on many field trips with our children, but now that we have an 8 passenger vehicle, that will change!
Louise says
OH man, maybe when she’s older you’ll be up for it again.
Stefanie says
That would spoil road trips for us too.
Theresa says
Oh I feel your pain. That would really spoil them for us too.
Zipporah Sandler says
I’m with you on this one. NO MORE ROAD TRIPS.
Colleen says
Oh your poor little girl that would make road trips a no no for sure.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
Yep, I’m thinking short little rides are gonna be best for her for a while.
Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy says
That is the worst. I hate it when the kiddos get sick in the car.
Sheri says
That’s hard! I hope she outgrows it soon.
Jenn says
I hope she outgrows it!
Penelope (NYC Blogger) says
I get motion sick, on, planes, boats…its bad.