Have you ever had a yard sale? I hadn’t…until this past Saturday. We’re moving and I’ve been waiting and waiting for a free Saturday to be able to unload some of my unwanted items. With 3 kids we have an overabundance of toys and outgrown clothes. I’ve even handed down lots of kids clothes only to be returned to me in case I could hand them down to somebody else. And now with a move quickly approaching, I just want to have less of a load to haul.
For weeks I’ve been taking forgotten toys and stashing them away from my kids view. I finally collected enough for a yard sale and my opportunity arrived. Last week we decided our Saturday would be free so we started planning. I put ads on Craigslist, posted signs in the neighborhood, and had an email sent out to all the parents at my kid’s preschool.
Saturday morning arrived. I was completely stressed out about being unprepared. Our boxes were still in the basement, we had exercise equipment and bins of clothes in the garage, and 3 kids to feed, clothe, and just take are of in general while laying everything out on the lawn. Thankfully my parents would be coming to help out!
By the end of the day what I’ve come to learn is that toys and books go quickly, nobody wants used clothes, and you get some weird requests. I think the strangest came from a guy simply asking if I have any hunting knives or little ceramic pigs. I almost cracked up and he stared at my table of Fisher Price and Melissa and Doug. “No, no hunting knives or little ceramic pigs, sorry.”
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
WE have one a couple time a year. I think I’d rather just donate though.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I’ve had people ask for certain things too, but usually relating to jewelry. They are so much work to put together, but I usually do make good money.
April Decheine says
Love yard sales, are season for having them has pretty much come to a close 🙁
Donna says
Yard sales are hard work. We had one in August and all the books went fast, and a couple of pieces of furniture, but yeah, the clothes just didn’t. I had a guy asking about jewelry, and I showed him what I had… come to find out, he was looking for gold. He probably goes around to yard sales buying it up cheap and then going to those “gold for cash” places. 🙂
Jennifer Mercurio says
I’ve actually never had one but I can see how books and toys go really fast.
Tricia Nightowlmama says
I used to do yard sales all the time but people wants something for nothing and they want to talk you down to half price on everything. ridiculous I’d rather drop it off and claim it on taxes
Jenn says
Hunting knoves and ceramic pigs: sounds random enough to be on my walmart list. 😉
Sheri says
I say I’m going to have one every year, but I haven’t managed to do one in nearly 8 years, lol.
Marcie W. says
I feel like yard sales aren’t what they used to be. After helping my parents with theirs last spring, I donate all of our older items to a local shelter and write it off on our taxes.
Jennifer The Quirky Momma says
Last year, after we decided to move to another state (bad idea, we moved back 6 months later) we had COUNTLESS yard sales. We pretty much sold, donated or gave away everything that wasn’t 100% necessary. I don’t think I will ever have one again! They are so much work! Well, now I don’t have anything anyway!!!