Credit cards can be a very useful way of spreading out the cost of large purchases and expenses, such a buying a new sofa or paying to repair a car for example. As long you use your credit card responsibly and pay off your balance each month, you won’t have to worry about debt or interest payments and will generally find credit cards very useful indeed. As well as the basic functions of a credit card – lending you money to be repaid at a later ...
Guest Posts
Mommy Makeover: What’s the Big Deal? (Guest Post)
New York City is a place known for high fashion, a fast-paced life, and expensive living. Put all of those together and you get an extreme ...
Making the Most out of your New York Minute
Everyone loves New York, especially in the Spring! If you find yourself on the southern end of the state of New York all the way near “New Amsterdam”, you may not know how to go about getting the most out of your trip, especially if you’re planning on making the most of it. Here’s a few ideas to make your tour of New York City a memorable one! Always arrive to New York city in style, so make sure you call an NYC Limo Service to help you get to ...
The importance of looking after your family’s health
Few things are as important to a family as good health; however, unlike some things in life, physical well-being is not something that can be created in just a few hours or days. It requires a sustained commitment and sometimes sweeping lifestyle changes, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Feeling better, living longer and needing fewer doctor's visits are the most obvious benefits of a solid health profile, but there are many ...
Raising a family in NYC
New York City is one of the most exciting cities on the planet. There are enough activities on offer to suit the needs of anyone, regardless of background or personal tastes. The ‘big apple’ is one of the most visually striking cities in the world. It has a spectacular skyline and is home to some of America’s most culturally recognized landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty and Times Square. Advantages of raising children in NYC One of ...
5 Top Rated Women’s Natural Vitamins (Guest post)
I've taken a woman's daily vitamin for several years. When my husband and I decided to try for a baby, I made the switch to prenatals. Up until that point, I'd given little thought to my vitamins beyond remembering to take them. I never read the ingredients, simply assuming that everything in the capsules was something I needed. That was before I researched and wrote on health topics for my job with a natural supplement company. My work ...
7 Fun Things to Do with Your Kids without Breaking the Bank (Guest Post)
Summer is approaching and the kids will soon be out of school. Don't let them sit in front of the TV or video game console all day. Moms, here are 7 fun things you can do to keep their minds occupied and maintain your budget at the same time. 1.Backyard OlympicsCome up with some fun events and hold your own Olympic Games. Have them make paper airplanes and see who can fly one the farthest. See who can spit watermelon seeds the farthest. See who ...
After Baby Tips For Getting Back Into Shape (Guest Post)
Giving birth to a baby is a thrilling, exciting, memorable moment in a woman's life, but it is not without its downside. During pregnancy the body undergoes extreme changes that take time and effort to restore. After bringing a new baby home, even though daily exercise might be the last thing on the "to do" list, it is still one of the best things you can do for yourself. During your pregnancy, focus on the baby’s health was of the upmost ...