It seems that everywhere you go you hear about this dreaded flu that is going around. I know many people in my immediate social circles that have come down with some sort of flu, or flu like symptoms. Since I have an infant, I think twice about the places we go, as I'm trying to keep her as healthy as possible. We wash hands frequently, and I don't let others hold her unless they have also washed their hands. Obsessive? Maybe.. But when my ...
Toothless Toddler
Teething. The reason why you're happy baby is suddenly tragically miserable. You wonder.....what could it be? Hungry? In need of a diaper change? Hot? Cold? Overstimulated? Bored? When finally you reach into their gummy mouth and notice the sore red ridges of budding teeth about to break through. I've been through teething twice already. But for some reason my youngest, who is turning 1 tomorrow, is still toothless! I'm not complaining. I love ...
Is my 3 year-old gay? Transgender? Going through a phase???
This is a guest post written by Sandra I. I'm not one to worry too much about gender identity when it comes to my kids. When my oldest was 14 months old I was about to have my second child so I bought him a doll. Yes...the doll was wearing blue, but that was primarily because I was having another boy. I wanted my son to have his own baby to take care of while I was taking care of my new baby. And when I became ...
International Air Travel with my Trio
Flying internationally with small children isn't high on my “fun with the kids” list. In fact is more like slow drawn out torture, over what seems to be endless hours. My husband is Italian and his entire family is there so we've visited twice with our children in the past few years. During our first trip my oldest was turning 2 and my younger son was 9 months old. This past summer my oldest was turning 4, my younger son was 2 1/2 and my daughter ...
Hair by Mommy
When my oldest was a few months old I visited a friend who had a slightly older son. I think he was a toddler at the time. The one thing I noticed was the back of his hair was super long with blond curls, but I felt it didn't really match the rest of his head. I think he had just never gotten a hair cut and the back was his original baby hair. Everyone has their own opinion but I thought this kid's hair was out of control. His mom told me that ...
Take a Time Out With #SolitaireDeluxe and Enter to Win a Clarasonic Plus! {Giveaway}
I rarely have ANY personal time to do anything for myself, sometimes including taking a shower. Sometimes I just want to tune out the world, if even only for 5 minutes. I have downloaded many apps on my phone, but the majority is for productivity or games for my toddler. It's nice to download something for myself AND have the time to play it! My favorite types of games are card games. I love that there are so many different types of card ...
New Mom at the Birthday Party
One thing I've always loved about going to birthday parties with my kids was seeing friends, husbands, and siblings. I have a group of friends I had known since my oldest was 9 months old, and a newer group with the Preschool my boys had been attending for 2 years. It was fun. I always looked forward to parties. Now I'm in a new neighborhood and a my kids are in a new school. Yes, I've met some people, had a few play dates, but I still don't ...
Raising Kids – Then vs Now
Having three kids is never easy. Yes, I have moments when they are all delightful and well-behaved but more often one or more is causing some kind of trouble. My 4 year-old has actually bloomed into a very sensitive and conscientious boy and has left his atrocious tantrums of his younger days behind him. Don't get me wrong....he still gets overly emotional and looses it from time to time but he's mostly matured out of the horribleness of the 2's ...