I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It’s a Hallmark holiday” for various occasions. Actually, it seems that ANY occasion is a Hallmark holiday because Hallmark is the place to go when you are in need of a card, keepsake, or special occasion gift. No matter what occasion you are shopping for, Hallmark has something perfect and extra special for just about anyone on your list. What I love most about Hallmark is their wide assortment of greeting cards. You can find something that speaks in your tone and makes the card receiver feel as if you wrote it yourself. Hallmark is probably most popular for their greeting cards, but they have other items as well, such as interactive story books and plush toys.
Hallmark is a great way to start traditions. One Christmas, when my daughter was just over a year old, we took a trip into a Hallmark for a simple greeting card. When she saw the ornaments, her face lit up and I couldn’t leave the store without getting her something. I let her pick out her first ornament, which was a cute Winnie the Pooh. Every year after that we have taken her back to Hallmark to choose one ornament. This is extra special for her, and for hubby and I as well, because we have started our own holiday traditions with our family. These memories and traditions will last a lifetime as my daughters grow and have families of their own someday (a very, very, very long time from now!)
Check out some great Hallmark Holiday products from this year’s collection:
My toddler and I sat down to make a Wish List for Santa. I love this card! We placed pictures of things she wanted and mailed it to him. In reality, I kept it as a keepsake, but she doesn’t know that. It will be fun to look back on this when she is older! The best part? It’s recordable! I love hearing her excited voice asking Santa to bring her things. Okay, maybe I don’t like that she’s demanding asking for things, but I do love to hear how excited she is!
Let Hallmark help you create holiday traditions with your family! You can visit a local Hallmark today, or you can win a Hallmark Holiday Gift Bundle right here! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below!
i love there holiday cards
Can’t wait to send out my holiday cards!!!
Commented on the Melissa and Doug post
I commented on your pumpkin soup recipe,sounds yummy!
Would love to have some Hallmark cards to send this year.
commented on the Melissa and Doug post.
I commented on the leek and potato soup post
have a comment on your pumpkin soup with toasted pumpkin seeds post
i think your blog posts are great
I love the holiday sending out cards so on. Great time of year
Hallmark everything is my favorite
I really love their personalized storybooks and want to win one so bad for my 4 yo granddaughter so she can hear my voice when she misses me!