Brrr! It's really getting cold out there! When my first baby was born, she was still in her infant car seat during the winter months, so it was easy to keep her warm without bulky clothing in her car seat. I used the JJ Cole BundleMe in her car seat, which kept her warm, safely. With baby #2, I estimated that she would have still been in her infant car seat this winter, but due to discomfort from her fractured clavicle, we had to switch her to ...
Enter to win $500 worth of diapers and formula!
Welcome to the $500 Formula and Diapers Event! This is the biggest expense after little one finally arrives, and EVERY mom can sympathize! A great group of bloggers have come together with StoreBrandFormula to provide this AWESOME prize! ONE WINNER WILL RECEIVE: 20 Cans of Store Brand Baby Formula $100 worth Pampers Premium Diapers While breast milk is best, for moms who choose to formula feed, or want to supplement breast milk with ...
Some Baby Items You Can’t Live Without! Diaper Pail Review
When I became pregnant with my first child, I knew there were a lot of baby items I would need, and others I could do without. Since we live in an apartment, I didn't want to clutter it with baby gear items that we would only use for a short time. Take for example the bassinet, bouncer, and swing. All these items have a very limited lifespan for a rapidly growing infant. I ended up with all three items, but in retrospect, the amount of time they ...
Adjusting to Life With a New Baby and Sleep Training a Toddler!
The past two months have flown by. Between lack of sleep, a moody toddler, and a newborn, I've been plenty busy and trying to keep life as normal as possible. My toddler has adjusted surprisingly well to a new baby. She loves being a big sister and we haven't had any jealousy issues. She loves picking out matching outfits and shares her toys with her baby sister- even though her little sister is too young to play with anything. I often find ...