This past weekend my oldest daughter and I were very busy…. playing Tomodachi Life on the Nintendo 3DS. To be completely honest, I hogged the game until I got a good feel for it and then I let her play, thinking she would probably get bored of it since she can’t read yet and it has a lot of instructions. I was wrong. We are both totally hooked.
Here’s how it works: You create a person which can come from your Mii account or someone new that you design. Then you start their life on an island that only has all the basics. Once you start getting the hang of the game and leveling up, more options on your island are available, like various food options to feed your Tomodashi and clothing. You create new people along the way and hope they get along with each other. Each Tomodachi has a unique personality with traits that you set up and even a voice that you can customize. Once your Tomodachi people take on a life of their own, they may not always agree with you. They have likes and dislikes, just like you and me. Some don’t get along with others, and some will not approve of the clothes you dress them in or the food you feed them. They each have a personal screen which will tell you what they like and don’t like.
There are certain life goals that are set up as well. Your Tomodachi islanders may want to get married and start a family. Some will play mini games with you. No two Tomodachi games are alike, since they are highly personalized. This is one game you won’t want to pass up!
You can purchase Tomodachi Life at Best Buy and also check out some great sales coming up at Best Buy which include Nintendo Bundles. Despite having various electronic devices, the handheld Nintendo gaming systems are still one of our favorites. They are super portable and have an entirely different gaming experience than that of a tablet. Best Buy has some hot offers coming up; check them out:
Best Buy:
Offer 1: 8/29/2014 – 9/1/2014 (4 Day Labor Day) – Online only Nintendo 2DS system –
Save $30 (regularly $129.99 with savings only $99.99!Offer 2: 8/31/2014– Online only –
Select 3DS games shown below –
Save $5 Making Music Videos – write songs and watch your Mii’s perform your creations…did we mention that they wear goofy outfits while on stage?
Create Mii’s of your favorite celebrities – anyone can show up on your Tomodachi Life island•Favorite/Least Favorite Foods – discover and feed your Mii’s what they love or what they hate…and watch the hilarious results•Get Married and Have Kids – start a family in Tomodachi Life and experience your child growing up, walking for the first time, and maybe move off the island?!?!?!•Personalities and Voices – not only can your create Mii’s that look like you and your friends, but you can also give them their own voice and personalities 2DS Key Messaging:• Plays all the great 3DS and DS games•Take videos and pictures using your 2DS• Great entry price point of $129.99 into an expansive world of portable gaming
Rebecca Orr says
This sounds like a fun game! My son wants a 3DS so bad. I may have to consider getting him one for Christmas this. Just so I can play this game! Lol
Casey Hoffman says
At first I thought this said Tomogotchi…which I think were the little handheld digital “pets” that I forgot to feed everyday as a child. haha. This seems so much better.