Summertime means lots of family and friend gatherings. I look forward to the great food - BBQs, frozen drinks, and new dip concoctions. No matter what the theme of the party is, Tostitos Scoops are always there to celebrate with us! A few years ago I stumbled on an awesome recipe for black bean mango salsa and since then, I've been making it all the time and change it up as I go along. I love Frito Lay Tostitos Scoops because they can hold the ...
black bean salsa
Black Bean Mango Corn Salsa & Chicken Fiesta BowlsQ Recipe #Sweetlife
There is nothing like a grilled corn on the cob for a summer barbecue. The slightly charred kernels wrapped in some butter is the perfect side dish to you summer grilling favorites. Growing up, my mom would make corn all year long, but nothing compared to barbecue corn we would have in the summer. Corn is so versatile - you can have it as a side dish or include it in an appetizer. At every summer get together my husband and I host, I ...