As a mom, life revolves around your kids. School, practice, appointments, meals and every little tiny thing in between. This leaves very little time for yourself which is why days off are vital to you and your family! Whose with me? There are exceptions however and that sometimes includes tackling tasks for your kids even during your down time. I know, I know… that sounds like the opposite of me-time, but when you find out what I’m talking about ...
Work that Camera like a pro with Lightscoop!
My photography skills have come a long way since owning my first film camera. I've since upgraded to many point and shoot cameras and my pride and joy, a Nikon DSLR. When I first got my Nikon I shot in automatic. Two years later I took the plunge and decided it was time to learn what this amazing machine could do. It's been over a year of understanding how my camera works, and my shots get more and more amazing each time. I invested in a 50mm ...
Capture Spring Memories With A New Camera!
Move out of the way mom and dad - when it comes to grandma, Mother's Day is all about the grandkids. Each year my mom and mother in law look forward to getting their annual flowers to plant in the yard as well as new pictures of their (ahem) ADORABLE grandchildren. The problem: I'm horrible about printing photos. I take photos of my kids all the time, and try to capture all their photo-worthy memories, but I find that with 500+ images, it's a bit ...
Say Cheese!
I've never enjoyed having my photo taken. Well, that's not entirely true. My mom has tons of photos she's taken of me as a little girl where I happily pose with my head to the side on my left shoulder. I think I actually have one on display in my house. But after having three kids I'm less than enthusiastic to pose for photos. So, when I considered professional family photos for our home I was envisioning photos of the kids....not me. Until our ...
Top 3 Tips for Capturing Better Baby Photos
Get the <a href="">SanDisk How to take better baby photos</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)My love for photography has increased since I have had children, and I'm ...
Get Your Camera Out of Auto!
Photography has been a hobby of mine from the time my dad placed a Pentax in my hands. The camera itself wasn't anything special, but the power to capture things the way I saw them was. I was a point and shoot girl many years ago. The first time I got my hands on a digital camera, I was hooked. I took a million pictures and was known for being the girl that always had a camera on her. Since then, I have gone through at least a dozen point and ...