Having a properly stocked diaper bag is easier said than done. The problem is, I don't always pack the same or have the same bag with me at all times. For short trips, I don't need much more than a few diapers and wipes. For longer day trips, I need snacks, meals, and a change of clothes for baby. By baby #3, you'd think I have the hang of this by now, but the truth is I've become a little cocky in my choices. Who needs baby items ...
For Baby
Using Diaper Coupons to Stock Up on the Basics #KrogerLittleSnugglers #Pmedia #ad
When planning for baby, we often get so wrapped up in the big-ticket items like baby gear that we forget the basics. When I came home from the hospital with my first baby, I thought I had everything I needed. The only problem is I believed everyone I spoke to that said newborn-size diapers and clothes aren't worth it. I should have listened to my mommy-instinct. But baby #2 and 3 I really did have it all(most) figured out, and stocked up on my ...
Our Favorite Developmental Toys for Baby
I've saved most of the toddler toys my girls used when they were younger knowing I would have another baby. When I passed down my oldest's toys to my second born, there were no issues of jealousy and possessiveness from my oldest. Now with baby #3, my middle daughter has become quite possessive over her baby toys and won't let her brother play with them. So, I find myself looking into inexpensive toys for little boys. I love wooden toddler toys ...
An Expectant Mother’s Day Gift Basket #BabbleBoxx
Mother's Day is fast approaching and getting mom something special can be as simple as clicking a button. Living in a digital world, we have access to many ideas and products that any gift can truly be personalized. When I purchase a gift for someone, it is usually a compilation of items I think or know they would love, and I create a gift basket with these items. Pinterest can be a great place to get your idea started, but finding items you know ...
Why We Chose Goats Milk After Weaning #MomsMeet #KabritaUSA
I'm on the fence about giving my kids cow milk. After a bad reaction transitioning my oldest daughter from breast milk to cow's milk when she was 12 months old, I started researching the best options for a child with a milk allergy. It wasn't easy- soy milk came with its own slew of issues, rice and almond milk weren't nutritionally complete, hemp milk was still new to the shelves. Coming from a European family, I had a host of ...
Bath time fun with The First Years Disney Baby Bath Toys
I've never met a kid that didn't like bath time. My kids beg to stay in longer- this is their time to play, splash, and unwind from the grueling days of preschool and first grade (if only they knew!) My little guy has become more aware of his surroundings and is starting to take longer baths as well where we play with age-appropriate toys. He's grown very attached to anything Mickey Mouse, and becomes fascinated with bright colored objects. When ...
Pamper your little one with Acure Baby Products
Everyone around me knows how picky I have become when it comes to baby care products. There are some companies that just aren't allowed in our home, and products that I used for a while and stopped because ingredients were changed. Babies are born pure and perfect, so the products we use on them should be too. Whether it's our daily bath wash, our nightly massage cream, or now that summer is coming up- our bug repellant or sunscreen; all these ...
Celebrating the smallest milestones with a Chicco NaturalFit Bottle Set Giveaway!
A few months ago I was sharing my latching issues with my tongue tied baby. It was a struggle trying to breastfeed him in the beginning, and our doctor suggested I simply pump and give him a bottle instead. I wasn't willing to give up that easy, but as my sore nipples needed a break from his imperfect latch, I needed to find a solution to successfully feed him. At first I tried giving him expressed breast milk in our bottles that were meant to ...