I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I'm fully aware that my diet can sometimes use a boost. My doctor has always recommended some type of vitamin supplement to support my lifestyle, but sometimes these supplements come in ridiculous-to-swallow sizes that my mom always referred to as "horse pills." Now, with so many varieties of supplements in easier to take forms, like gummies and mints, people are faced with more options and may have a ...
Health & Beauty
Culturelle® Kids Probiotic For My Kids
This post is presented by Culturelle®. All opinions are my own. As I check off my list of things that need to get done during back to school season, I’m starting to think of those dreaded illnesses. We always have the proper fever reducers, pain relievers, and booboo fixers on hand, but I try to avoid those nasty viruses to begin with. I encourage healthy eating habits, even though it’s not a consistently easy task. But for the most part, my ...
Braun Now Offers a No-Touch Thermometer!
Back to school season means the inevitable virus, infection, or illness is sure to follow. Last year my oldest had 7 strep infections and we were housebound for most of the winter season. Unfortunately her doctor has recommended her tonsils be removed if she has just 1 more strep infection. We are crossing our fingers that last year was just a bad year overall, and hopefully we can leave her tonsils where they belong. Along with her infections ...
Winding Down Summer, Safely with Neutrogena #ChooseSkinHealth
Students may be back in school but the sun is still shining! It's so important to remember to lather up your kids with sunscreen before they head off to school. Since our school has outdoor lineup and recess, with very minimal shade, I made sure my girls have skin protection every morning. My youngest daughter's school is good about reapplying sunscreen each time she goes outside, so I keep a bottle of sunscreen with her teacher for those ...
When Doctors Make Housecalls #momsloveamwell #spon
Let's face it- as moms, especially with more than one child, it is often difficult to leave the house. When one of my children gets sick, I dread the thought of bringing all three children to a germ infested doctor's office, let alone the energy it takes to make sure all kids are dressed, groomed, and fed before leaving the house. We don't often have childcare help, so doctor visits are usually a big production, similar to a three ring circus. ...
Get a Head Start on Wound Care with #PuracynPlusCleanFirst
I try to get my girls off to a good start every morning. Despite the tantrums from the night before, each morning brings a fresh start and I try to start off on a positive note. A good breakfast and a fresh face is the ideal goal each morning because I feel that when they begin their morning with a clean start, then they will have the potential to achieve a more successful day. I believe the same holds true when it comes to wound care. A ...
Finding #Migrainerelief With Stopain Migraine Topical Gel
Oh, migraines. If you are a sufferer then you can sense the dread in my tone. I've done everything for my migraines and some methods work and other don't. Unfortunately even the remedies that do help sometimes can't get rid of some stubborn migraines. I don't want to miss another minute of family fun by locking myself in a dark room wishing away the pain, and since I will be nursing for the next year or so, I am choosy about what I will take when ...
Treating Recurring Heartburn with #Nexium24HR
There's nothing like a good old fashioned BBQ with friends and family. Living in a concrete jungle for the first few years of our marriage has made my husband and I grateful to finally have a backyard and a place to host outdoor gatherings. Watching the kids play while indulging- or overindulging in all the delicious flavors that come along with these outdoor events makes every second worth it. The part I don't like so much- the ...