Summer is almost here, and in some states it is already warm enough for the beach. Luckily I live in NYC, so I have a few more weeks to pretend that I will work out and get that beach sexy body I've always dreamed of. My post pregnancy body has left me with a few undesirable flaws, which I'm sure many moms can relate to, but trust me when I tell you THERE IS A SWIMSUIT just for you! There is a swimsuit that is flattering on every body and you ...
Testing the Waters With @SwimWays #SwimSteps
My girls are both enjoying their summer fun in the pool, even though we had a rocky start with my almost 4 year old. You can read about her previous swimming experience where I mentioned how she had a bad lesson with a swim instructor. We really didn't know how she would be able to bounce back from that, but after spending a lot of time in the pool this summer, she is gaining confidence and getting better. Just this past week, she let go of the ...
Crocs Rocks Summer Style!
Spring is here and I don't think I'm alone when I say "let's ditch the socks!" If I could wear sandals all year long, I would - but my family already thinks I'm crazy for living in tank tops throughout the year, so I think sandals would just put me over the "crazy" edge! This year I decided to go for comfort AND style when it comes to shoes, and no one does comfort better than Crocs. I received sandals for myself as well as my toddler from Crocs ...
Get Ready For Summer With Nair Hair Removal! #NairSummer #sp
"Who wears short shorts...?" Remember those commercials? Well, your grandmother's Nair is still on the shelves of today's drugstore, but it is not the same formula! Nair has come a long way and has more varieties that cater to various body parts or skin types. They even have a men's formula! Being of European decent, I guess you can say I'm quite hairy. Nair has always been my summer go-to remedy for shaving because it can last longer than ...
Treating Summer Booboos On the Go!
Last year my toddler did something seemingly funny- she walked into a concrete wall, knees first. Now, it was funny to my hubby because he always mocks that she is just as clumsy as her mama. It wasn't so funny to me because even though she didn't cry, she was left with a bloody knee. Now, if you remember being a kid, scraped up knees were just a part of growing up. Some may even say it's a sign that your child is actually having fun. My toddler ...
Summer is Here! Practice Safe Biking with Trendy Helmets!
My little girl is learning to ride a bike, granted- it's a tricycle, but she still needs to keep her head protected even if she isn't going fast or even riding on her own yet. I'm not too sure what other states' laws are, but in NY, you have to have a helmet on until you are 14 if you are riding a bike. When I was younger, I NEVER wanted to wear a bike helmet because they had just come out and they were HIDEOUS! You know how preteens can be- I'm ...
Summer Barbecues- Where do you put the kids to sit and eat?
With all the summer barbecues lined up and all our guests with their ever-growing families, finding a place to sit can sometimes be a problem. In the past 5 years, my hubby and I have had to add at least 2 seats a year to our outdoor collection because it seems we never have enough outdoor chairs. I joked with my husband that soon we are going to have a BYOC policy- bring your own chair! The kids are usually playing and don't generally sit ...