We've all heard that Vitamin C is good for us but do you know why? Many people take Vitamin C when they are battling a cold. Others take it to prevent a cold. When it comes to children, Vitamin C is very important in their development. Vitamin C is necessary for healthy skin, red blood cells, collagen, muscles, bones, and tissues. It is also necessary to aid the body in healing and preventing infection. While a baby is being breast fed or formula ...
Earth's Best
Got a Picky Eater? Hide Fruits and Veggies in Toddler’s Meals!
I've been fortunate to have a semi-picky eater. While my toddler is picky about the way foods look and doesn't eat a wide variety of foods, she DOES choose healthy items. Just the other morning I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. Her response: broccoli. I can't complain when it comes to her choice of veggies over sugary cereals! When I was a teacher, I had A LOT of picky eaters. Since I taught cooking classes, I felt it was my job to ...
Choosing the Right Formula
I've been very fortunate that breastfeeding has gone very well this time around. With my first, I gave some formula in the hospital while I was recovering from a c-section. With my second I felt more prepared and so far there is no need to supplement. Regardless of how successful I have been with breastfeeding, I still have a container of formula on hand "just in case" even though I try to keep a good supply of breastmilk in the freezer. I know a ...
Summer is Smoothie Season!
I've always been a huge fan of smoothies and my hubby raves about my healthy, vitamin packed smoothies. While they can be made all year long, my favorite smoothies include summer fruits, so this is the best time to start making them. With berries and melons in season, smoothies have made a comeback already and we have them a few times a week. When my little girl was about a year old, her pediatrician recommended serving her smoothies with yogurt ...
How much should your toddler eat?
I recently had an epiphany- I think I expect my toddler to eat too much. What made me realize this? I made her an almond butter sandwich and she didn't finish it. I thought she wasn't eating enough and then I realized I would eat the same size sandwich and feel full. I had to reassess her diet and how much she was eating, as well as how much I expected her to eat. Since she doesn't like to eat breakfast, I felt that she wasn't getting enough ...
Encouraging Healthy Eating in Toddlers
I thought I was the luckiest mama in the world when my little girl was about a year old- she ate EVERYTHING! We crossed our fingers and counted our blessings when people told us stories about their picky eaters. Our pediatrician warned that her palette would soon change and she would no longer be interested in all foods and would start having food aversions. We scoffed at him and continued feeding her the healthiest foods. Within months of her ...
The Importance of Nutrition During Pregnancy
Even before you become pregnant, you hear of the importance of diet and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are actively trying to get pregnant, than a diet rich in iron and folic acid are ideal, and even better if you decide to start a prenatal vitamin before conception. The reason for this is that neural tube defects often happen during the first few weeks after conception, and even right before you know you are pregnant. Good ...